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Products Portfolio

Name Area Product category
CONDROVET® PUPPIES Animal Health Joint Health
Name Area Product category
Acti-Joint® pro Animal Health Animal Health, Pet Food Ingredients
AminoAlexin® Plant Health Plant Protection
Aminoquelant® Range Plant Health Berries, Citrus fruits, Grapevines, Leaf and fruit vegetables, Row crops, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
AminoQuelant®- B Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition, Olives
Aminoquelant®- Ca Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition, Berries, Citrus fruits, Green Areas, Grapevines, Leaf and fruit vegetables, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
AminoQuelant®- Fe Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition, Green Areas
AminoQuelant®- K low pH Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition, Berries, Citrus fruits, Green Areas, Grapevines, Leaf and fruit vegetables, Olives, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
AminoQuelant®- Mg Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition, Grapevines
AminoQuelant®- minors Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition, Green Areas
AminoQuelant®- Mn Flow Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition
AminoQuelant®- Zn Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition
AminoQuelant®- Zn/Mn Flow Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition
AminoQuelant®-Ca/Mg Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition
AminoQuelant®-Cu Plant Health Bioavailable Nutrition
Armurox® Plant Health Plant Protection, Berries, Grapevines, Leaf and fruit vegetables, Row crops, Tropical crops
ATOPIVET® CAPSULES Animal Health Dermatology
ATOPIVET® COLLAR Animal Health Companion Animal Health, Dermatology
ATOPIVET® LOTION Animal Health Dermatology
ATOPIVET® MOUSSE Animal Health Companion Animal Health, Dermatology
ATOPIVET® ORAL SUSPENSION Animal Health Dermatology
Name Area Product category
CALMUROFEL® Animal Health Internal Medicine
Cera Trap® Plant Health Biological baits and traps, Citrus fruits, Grapevines, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
Chondroitin sulfate Animal Health Glycosaminoglycans
Chondroitin Sulfate API Human Health Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Collavant n2 Animal Health Animal Health, Pet Food Ingredients
Collavant n2 Human Health Branded Ingredients
CONDROVET® FORCE HA Animal Health Joint Health
CONDROVET® FORCE HA CATS Animal Health Joint Health
CSbioactive Human Health Branded Ingredients
CSbioactive® Animal Health Pet Food Ingredients
Name Area Product category
Dacus Trap® Plant Health Biological baits and traps, Olives
DAOgest Animal Health Branded Ingredients
Dermatan sulfate Human Health Heparin Science
Dermial Human Health Branded Ingredients
Dermial® vet Animal Health Animal Health, Companion Animal Health, Animal Nutrition, Pet Food Ingredients
Name Area Product category
ENTERO-CHRONIC® Animal Health Internal Medicine
Equilibrium® Plant Health Biostimulats, Berries, Citrus fruits, Grapevines, Leaf and fruit vegetables, Olives, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
Name Area Product category
Flyral® Plant Health Biological baits and traps
Name Area Product category
GIVET® Animal Health Companion Animal Health, Internal Medicine
Glucosamine Animal Health Animal Health, Pet Food Ingredients
Glucosamine Animal Health Glycosaminoglycans
Glucosamine API Human Health Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Name Area Product category
Heparin ammonium Human Health Heparin Science
Heparin Calcium Human Health Heparin Science
Heparin lithium Human Health Heparin Science
Heparin sodium Human Health Heparin Science
Heparinoids Human Health Heparin Science
Hyaluronic Acid Animal Health Glycosaminoglycans
Name Area Product category
Impromune® Animal Health Internal Medicine
IMPROMUNE® PASTE Animal Health Internal Medicine
Inicium® Plant Health Biostimulats, Berries, Citrus fruits, Grapevines, Leaf and fruit vegetables, Olives, Tropical crops
Name Area Product category
Mobilee Human Health Branded Ingredients
Mobilee® Animal Health Pet Food Ingredients
Name Area Product category
Nucleoforce Aqua Animal Health Nucleotides
Nucleoforce Livestock Animal Health Nucleotides
Nucleoforce Pets Animal Health Animal Health, Ingredients, Nucleotides, Pet Food Ingredients
Name Area Product category
Palbio 50 RD Animal Health Hydrolized Proteins
Palbio 62 SP Animal Health Animal Health, Pet Food Ingredients
Palbio 62 SP Animal Health Hydrolized Proteins
PRO-ENTERIC® ADVANCED Animal Health Internal Medicine
PROLIVET® Animal Health Internal Medicine
Name Area Product category
StresSal® Plant Health Biostimulats, Leaf and fruit vegetables, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
Suzukii Trap® Max Captures Plant Health Biological baits and traps, Berries, Grapevines, Stone and seed fruits
Name Area Product category
Tendaxion Human Health Branded Ingredients
Terra- Sorb® organic Plant Health Biostimulats
Terra-Sorb radicular SymBiotic® Plant Health Plant Health, Biostimulats, Berries, Citrus fruits, Green Areas, Grapevines, Olives, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
Terra-Sorb® complex Plant Health Biostimulats, Berries, Citrus fruits, Leaf and fruit vegetables, Olives, Row crops, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
Terra-Sorb® foliar Plant Health Biostimulats, Citrus fruits, Green Areas, Grapevines, Row crops, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
Terra-Sorb® granum Plant Health Plant Health, Solutions, Biostimulats
Terra-Sorb® radicular Plant Health Biostimulats, Berries, Citrus fruits, Green Areas, Grapevines, Leaf and fruit vegetables, Olives, Stone and seed fruits, Tropical crops
Terramin® Pro Plant Health Biostimulats, Stone and seed fruits
Thyroid API Human Health Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients