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AminoQuelant®- B

High bioavailability boron

AminoQuelant® - B is a product based on L-α-amino acids from Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Boron (B).

What is it? What is it for?

The combined application of amino acids and Boron contributes to improving the assimilation of Boron and a much faster and effective distribution towards the consumption points.

Boron is an element with little mobility inside the plant, and so AminoQuelant® - B is particularly recommended whenever a rapid plant response is required during times of maximum demand for Boron by the plant.



  • Provides Boron with high bio-availability
  • Increases fruit set and fruit retention by the tree
  • Increases the absorption and the mobility of Boron
  • Corrects stress due to deficiency of Boron.


Dose and instructions for use

AminoQuelant® - B can be applied to all kinds of crops by foliar spraying or localised irrigation. Specially recommended for plants that require a high level of Boron (olive trees, sugar beet, celery, etc.) and which may develop problems during the flowering and fruit set periods.



  • Foliar spray: apply 200-300 mL/hL or 2-3 L/ha especially before flowering.
  • Drip irrigation: 4-6 L/ha every 7-15 days by irrigation.


Application time

Given the fact that Boron plays a specific role in flowering and fruit setting, it is specially recommended to apply during the pre-flowering period.



Free amino acids (*) 5% (w/w)
Boron (B) 5% (w/w)
Total nitrogen (N)l 3% (w/w)
Organic nitrogen (N) 3% (w/w)
Organic matter 35% (w/w)

(*) The formula contains all biologically active free amino acids: ASP, SER, GLU, GLY, HIS, ARG, THR, ALA, PRO, CIS, TYR, VAL, MET, LYS, ILE, LEU, PHE, TRP

Field trials

  • Trial of AminoQuelant® - B (Murcia, Granada - Spain) on celery
  • Trial of AminoQuelant® - B (Murcia, Spain) on olive trees
  • Trial of AminoQuelant® - B (Cádiz, Spain) on sugar beet