Our teams have already entered the final stage of the challenge to reach Australia. These are tough months of training, physical and mental strength, improvement and companionship. In this video we present two Bioibérica workers who are participating in the challenge and tell us why they do it.
Marina Rocabert, Procurement & Purchasing department
My name is Marina Rocabert, I work in the procurement department and basically we're in charge of purchasing. Specifically in my case, I'm in charge of pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and veterinary specialities. Before starting the challenge, I hardly did any sport. One of the reasons I signed up for the challenge was specifically to force myself to do some sport.
Ángel Esteban, technician, Plant Physiology department
My name is Ángel, I work in plant physiology, I am in the packaging area and we work on packaging plant fertilizers, Cera Trap, Terra-Sorb foliar… many liquids. The truth is that I have always ridden on bikes a lot since I was a little kid and now they offered us to do this challenge and since I'm in good shape cause I ride my bike, I signed up, I didn't even think twice.
Ironman 70.3 Barcelona, Calella de Mar
Marina: Before going into the water, the truth is that I was really, really nervous, it was cold and I wasn't feeling altogether ready. But the truth is that I felt really good, I managed to set my own rhythm and I reached the time goal that I more or less expected, I think I did even a little bit better, so personally I'm really satisfied.
Ángel: I already knew the route of the race, it had a lot of uphill sections and I didn't want to set out quickly because I said: "wow, let's see if I run out of steam in the middle of the race". So I started going at a smooth rhythm at the start and in the middle I saw that I more or less had it all under control, so I gave it my all.
Marina: I really liked participating in the challenge because apart from forcing me to do some sport, which was something I wanted, I think that it's good to do things in a group, with colleagues, to get to know other people from the company who you don't interact with every day and also finding more out about people you already know but in another context.
Final test: Challenge Shepparton Australia (13.11.16)!
Ángel: Let's cross our fingers to see if we go to Australia. It will be difficult but good, at the moment we're here today, very happy to have done four trials and to be here.
Don't miss this video, which summarises the three days we spent showcasing our product portfolio, meeting new partners and concluding on a high note at La Pedrera during CPHI at Barcelona. Thank you to all our clients and to everyone who made CPHI<
This year has been full of intensity, marked by a complicated socioeconomic context, but our attitude has been exemplary and has brought us closer together as a team. We want to appeal to the motivation that moves us every day at Bioiberica and that causes us to generate positive impacts on the h