This novel, in vitro study, has been published by the leading scientific journal Arthritis Research and Therapy, and demonstrates that chondroitin sulfate reduces inflammation, prevents the uncontrolled growth of new blood vessels and blocks the destruction of cartilage cells that affect osteoarthritis patients.
This chronic inflammatory disease affects seven million Spaniards and causes 35 per cent of all visits to primary care centers Family physicians play a key role in the early detection and treatment of the disease-family physicians are the healthcare professionals who can follow closely the evolution of their patients disease A panel of osteoarthritis experts attending the 34th SEMERGEN nationa
The 8th meeting was held July 30th to August 3rd, 2012 at Panama City, at the emblematic El Panamá Hotel.
The European League Against Rheuma (EULAR) and Bioibérica Farma are calling upon citizens, patients associations and Spanish organizations to participate in a worldwide campaign to raise awareness against rheumatic diseases Anyone who wants to contribute should submit a photography or video capturing people waving their support to the following website:
These certifications are awarded by the Association of Physicians of Barcelona and by the website, respectively. Both organizations committees have praised the accuracy, scientific interest and quality of Bioibericas Blog devoted to osteoarthritis.The chondroprotection blog has had more than 5,500 visits from 3,000 unique users within less than six months.