An international group of technicians and farmers visited Palafolls and presented the results obtained by Terra-Sorb®.
It is the first DNA test that predicts predisposition to rapid progression knee osteoarthritis.This award recognizes the research and innovation of the Spanish biotech company Bioiberica Farma, as well as their contribution to the improvement in the quality of life of Osteoarthritis (OA) patients.
This past November 6th, the 2nd conference on Profitability and Future of Vineyard Growth in Castile-La Mancha was held at Tomelloso, Ciudad Real.
Bioiberica Veterinaria and by its distributor in Croatia, Arnika, sponsored the 2013 Croatian National Veterinary Congress (VETERINARSKA ZNANOST I STRUKA 2013) held last October.
The percentage of patients is even higher among those taking anti-inflammatory or COX-2 inhibitors to treat their osteoarthritis. Physicians still fail to take into account co-morbidity and risk factors associated withosteoarthritis. They are not aware of the risks associated withthe prescription of certain drugs.