The FEDNA Conference was held from 7 to 9 November, 2012, at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Complutense, Madrid
Bioibérica gave suppport to two papers written by UAB (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) researchers. These papers demonstrate how important is the proper nutrition of sow and piglets, feeding them top quality, highly palatable food such as porcine protein hydrolisates, always putting the focus on improving the animal’s productivity and intestinal health. The two papers, were entitled Influencia de la percepción sensorial sobre el consumo voluntario de los lechones: palatabilidad de las materias primas en piensos de iniciación (Influence of sense perception in voluntary consumption of piglets: palatability of raw materials in starter feeds), and Estrategias de aprendizaje para incrementar el consumo en cerdos tras el destete, (Learning strategies to increase pig consumption after weaning), were written by by D. Solá-Oriol, D. Torrardarllona and J. F. Pérez, the former and by Jaime Figueroa Hamed, the later.
FEDNA’s main focus is to support and collaborate with nutritionists and specialized technicians in the design and elaboration of better animal feeds, using the latest ingredients available and working day-by-day in their improvement, as well as working on new research papers that will provide nutritionists with adequate tools to optimize animal production.
FEDNA hosts a yearly congress to exhibit the latest advances in animal nutrition and feeding.
This conference is attended every year by large numbers of professionals of the field of animal nutrition, both from Spain as well as from abroad (300-400 attendees during the last years).
There were some 14 lectures and conferences that were read or moderated by recognized Experts in the field of fodder production or animal nutrition researchers. 30% of all papers were presented by national researchers, another 30% by foreign Experts and the remaining 40% by local nutritionists.
The aim of the FEDNA congress is to show to the Experts of the animal fodder industry the latest novelties in their field and what practical uses can have these new discoveries.
The distribution of Bioiberica's Palbio™ range through Mill Tech Co., Inc. in South Korea has been approved after fulfilling stringent regulatory requirements.